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El Scorchio 3:02 Fri Sep 24
Ryder Cup
It's upon us! Can't wait.

Yank crowd their typical sporting selves, booing the European players.

Replies - Newest Posts First (Show In Chronological Order)

Cilla_ Black A1 2:25 Tue Sep 28
Re: Ryder Cup
In fact, in the mid 80s the only fing missing were the spikes and plus-fours.. but no doubt a few oddmarks trotted up in both at some point😁

Cilla_ Black A1 2:20 Tue Sep 28
Re: Ryder Cup
Golfers were the original 'casuals'.. not that they had a clue.
Funny how fings work out eh

istabraq 1:06 Mon Sep 27
Re: Ryder Cup
More fight in joshua and that's not saying a lot.

stewie griffin 1:00 Mon Sep 27
Re: Ryder Cup
And the record defeat secured by fitzpatrick chunking his approach to 18 into the water.

7 of the last 8 now won by the home team, the only exception being the freak at medinah.
On the evidence of this week we'll need a miracle to extend that home record. Telling, and depressing - or maybe just symbolic- that Poulter and Westwood- along with Rory - were our only singles winners.

Pagey 1:00 Mon Sep 27
Re: Ryder Cup
Yet you can’t stop talking about it yourself?

Why don’t you use some of your six-figure salary and try to buy yourself a personality and charisma?

twoleftfeet 12:59 Mon Sep 27
Re: Ryder Cup
Having no “ away “ support does change the dynamics of it.

Come On You Irons 12:51 Mon Sep 27
Re: Ryder Cup
Huge and special?

Haha. Go round and ask people in the UK and Europe and I'm sure you'll find no cunt cares Europe "lost" the Ryder Cup! Only weirdos who love a long-arse excuse for a "sport" which involves walking around a park in trousers hitting a ball towards a hole with a stick would claim to care.

Strange game, followed and played by strange cunts.

Pagey 12:45 Mon Sep 27
Re: Ryder Cup
To be fair, we’ve dominated the Ryder Cup over the last couple of decades so you can’t begrudge them enjoying it. Most are only doing what Poulter has done in the past and they’ve been solid over all three days.

It just shows what a huge and special tournament it is,

twoleftfeet 12:32 Mon Sep 27
Re: Ryder Cup
The Americans are not only bad losers but also bad winners.

I never thought I could loathe Americans any more than I do but tonight I realised I can.

Shit fans, obnoxious players and cunty partners.

Going to be a few years though before we can beat them I fear.

Pagey 12:30 Mon Sep 27
Re: Ryder Cup
You using the words ‘crying’ and ‘son’ elevates you from prize prick status to even higher. Congratulations.

Come On You Irons 12:21 Mon Sep 27
Re: Ryder Cup
Don't worry Pagey. It is not the end of the world that a bunch of US dwelling multi millonaires lost to another bunch of US dwelling multi millionaires in a "sport" that involves hitting a ball towards a hole with a stick.

Now stop crying. I'm sure you'll get over it in time, son.

Mr. Burns 12:20 Mon Sep 27
Re: Ryder Cup
Stick a think mick in charge and look what happens. We’ve been absolutely mauled.

Pedro 12:19 Mon Sep 27
Re: Ryder Cup
Shame Billy Horschel isn’t there. He is obviously a good guy!

Brooks Koepka is actually okay. Spent years playing here on the European tour.

Pagey 12:10 Mon Sep 27
Re: Ryder Cup
Come On You Irons 11:58 Sun Sep 26
Re: Ryder Cup

You must realise what a prize prick you are? If you don’t, then you’re a prize prick. So either way you’re a prize prick.

Westside 12:01 Mon Sep 27
Re: Ryder Cup
I guess all the golf wankers on here and elsewhere will be crying into their plus fours about this!

I think the bigger wanker, is somebody who doesn't like golf, that takes the time and effort to post on a golf thread...

Come On You Irons 11:58 Sun Sep 26
Re: Ryder Cup
Ha, just saw the score. Mental that it doesn't stop when the winnning margin is reached. What a charade continuing with multiple dead rubbers!

I guess all the golf wankers on here and elsewhere will be crying into their plus fours about this!

aldgate 11:00 Sun Sep 26
Re: Ryder Cup
Fair point Stewie - that was quite a reaction!

Mex Martillo 10:46 Sun Sep 26
Re: Ryder Cup
No acting there Pagey
Really thought Lowry and the 2 Spanish could turn their games round, but my hope is going out the window.
Looking like a whitewash, hope some of those guys can stop it being too embarrassing.

Pagey 10:40 Sun Sep 26
Re: Ryder Cup
Either Rory’s a great actor or the Ryder Cup means more than anything to him. Pure raw emotion there.

stewie griffin 10:39 Sun Sep 26
Re: Ryder Cup
I hope everyone thinking he doesn't care is watching this

stewie griffin 10:37 Sun Sep 26
Re: Ryder Cup
Pleased for Rory. Hopefully puts some of the chatter to bed and he can go away and work for a bit

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